Happy Easter! 2021

It is never too early to teach others to help the ones in need.

Hope everyone had a Happy and Joyous Easter.

This last Friday we packaged 95 bags of food for the less fortunate and had them delivered (curbside) We gave out: cheese, bacon, chicken, sausages salad, vegetables, desserts, tshirts, and sweaters. They were so happy to receive the bags of food for Easter. Some cried for joy others told us “we never knew that people cared about us.”
With the pandemic running wild our work has increased ten folds. Families’ needs have changed. Food is just one portion of their problem, there is also mental, financial, loneliness, etc. There are days when Sue is listening to their problems for more than an hour.
This coming week we will be putting together food bags for Ramadan. We will do 35 bags. We hope to get some halal meats, beans, rice etc.
We would like to thank all of you for your time, financial support and food products. As a team we are happy with the outcome with our Easter food bags and hope our Ramadan project will be just as successful.  It is our first attempt to make food bags for Easter and Ramadan, and hope to continue doing it.
Kim please thank your Mom for allowing us to use her garage. I don’t have her email address.

keep safe and will keep in touch

joan and team

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