Scadding Court Turkey Day – December 15 2019

Wishing you all, in the coming year, a year of peace and joy.
Just a short history of December 2019
This year went by very fast, but it was a very productive year for Nonnina’s Table. Our Turkey event was a success. Feedback was very good. Our participants were not expecting such a variety of vegetables and fruits this year. Total amount of food distributed was just under thirteen thousand pounds. We distributed 385 turkeys.

Our toy room was a busy room and the toys was a amazing this year.
When the Salvation Army turned us down we refused to stay down. Nonnina’s Table reached out to the most generous people we knew.
Toy drives were set up by: The YPO members and The York Quilt Guild of Toronto.
Andie McGeachie from YPO and her kids delivered toys to us the day before our event. Family members and friends also donated to us.
Wendy, Anne and members of The York Quilt Guild donated beautiful hand made quilts for the children, collected toiletries for our baskets and did a toy drive.
Theresa Attard donated Old Navy clothes. Concetta Attard sewed beautiful dresses for the girls.
COFION shared their toys with us.
We also got shoe boxes from the shoe box program. Hats, mitts and gloves from Hot Paws.
Because of the great team effort we made 285 children and 195 families happy this Christmas.
Thank you to Alaa Yousif, Theresa Attard, Concetta Attard, YPO and Corina Hope for the monetary donations.

Special thanks to Jill Valentine, Nicole Hrinco from UGO change and Jacobs Quinton who sponsored a dinner (they cooked 200 dinners and supplied what was needed for the dinner)

Thanks again to all who gave us their time, food/financial help. Hope to see you all in 2020.


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